Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. - Psalm 91:1–2
Some would say that the world is a more dangerous place than it has ever been. I am not so sure. Not because I think it is safe, but because I surmise that the earth has been a place of danger the moment our predecessors consumed a prohibited piece of delectable fruit and traded our security away. People have been in jeopardy ever since. Life is a hazard. And while 2025 has already presented us with threats of chaos, a city on fire, endless wars, talks of governmental misrule, and the usual lurking of general fear, we cannot forget that in spite of it all we are watched over by an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God.
This should bring comfort to our souls. But does it? The human mind naturally wants to question this and reconcile the idea of an all-powerful Deity with seemingly relentless, ruthless, and random acts of destruction and death. It does not make sense to us. Psalms 91 promises protection, defense, comfort, shielding, absence of harm, angelic watch care, full trust, and no fear. So what gives? Why is it so hard to own this? Why does it appear that things keep getting worse? Would not a God who sees all, can do all, and is present in it all do something about it all? Yes. He will. He is. And He has. He will make it well for us in the end. He is working out our salvation now which is no inoculation against suffering and loss of personal property or our lives. God is thinking long game…eternal life. He has sent Jesus Christ to be our healer and helper and strength. He became our substitute and sanctifier and savior. God is not asleep. Our perspectives are just off and we cannot see His every move. And so, all we can do is trust Him and rest in His refuge. We can allow the insanity to draw us nearer to Him. We must surrender our sins and evil tendencies to Him. We must pray for others and ourselves more passionately and frequently. Truly, how can we live in a sinful world and not expect to meet the effects of sin face to face? Not only that which is committed beyond us, but that which is committed by us. And yet God still provides shelter under His shadow despite it all.
The day before Christmas our family finally got more chickens. It had been a year since we lost our last two to a violent attack by some wild animal. So we bought eight new ones. Four of them are a few years old, four of them are a number of months old. In preparation for them I spent the last year reinforcing the garden, replacing the nets, and doing whatever I could to secure the run so that the chickens would be safe from predators. Then once we brought them home we observed the typical pattern of behavior that ensues when chickens are introduced into a new setting. They had to establish the pecking order. This manifests especially at feeding time. The older chickens will bully and peck and mutter in “chickenese” for all others to back off. They will move from feed pile to feed pile in a greedy lust to take every morsel for themselves. Then after a week or more the hierarchy is formed and every hen knows her rank. It is difficult to watch. The weaker and younger hens are persecuted, then they in turn bully someone else, until the weakest of them all is fending for herself. So I would mercifully drop a few bits of seed and dried worms to the 8th ranked chicken and stand in front of her to protect her from the others coming over and intimidating her away from her food. I was her shelter. My long shadow was her refuge. And for a moment, she was perfectly safe. At least until I left or she got nervous and ran away. Interesting thought. I spent all this money and time trying to guard the hens from ravaging hawks, foxes, and bobcats, but I have found it more challenging to protect them from themselves. Their instincts are so bent by sin, they do not care (at least for a time) if any other hen eats or lives or dies. “Every chicken for herself” is the motto. I think God is desperately working to keep His people secure from evil from the outside. But honestly, He longs to secure us from the evil inside even more. To deal with the sin within. And maybe all of the horrible craziness of our world, all caused by sin, is not dealt with as we think it should be because the Lord wants us to be reminded daily of what sin causes. So that we might hate it, flee from it, run to the mighty fortress, and abide under the long shadow of the cross of Jesus Christ. And we must not run out from under His care. He, unlike me, will remain where He is and always defend even the weakest of us.
This Sabbath Pastor Dale Leamon will preach the Word of Life. May the Spirit of the living God cover you and may you dwell in the company of angels. Be assured today and everyday of the Lord’s great love and more than capable defense of your present and eternal life.
Pastor Dean