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Newsletter 1/8/2025

Writer's picture: Clovis AVClovis AV

For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.  - Psalm 108:4–5

As most of you know I’ve been on Sabbatical since the middle of December. It was my intent to take some time away before I begin my new role in February. My hope was that I’d be able to relax and decompress from many years of joyful but fast paced ministry. And for the most part it’s been that. But I was experiencing some anxiety and struggles the first week and a half. Part of it was because as I’ve said before, my heart is still there in Clovis. I truly miss you all and it is difficult adjusting to being away from the church. I’ve still been in contact with some of you (maybe more than a man on Sabbatical should). And that has helped. The other reason is because I have outlined for myself a number of home and art projects that I have been longing to complete for years. I was overwhelmed by the question, “what if I squander all this time and accomplish nothing?” 

While in a panic of sorts, this thought came to me….one day at a time, one thing at a time. I was comforted greatly by this. What it said to me was, take your time, don’t get ahead of yourself, do what you can only as you can, and all will be well. I trust that this was the Holy Spirit encouraging my heart. I needed that perspective. Then this chilly morning as I sat in my garage with the door open, worshipping the Lord, I had another beautiful and soul calming experience. The sunrise cast a soft reddish-pink blush across the sky and I stepped outside of the garage to get a better view. It was as if God took a paintbrush and touched the clouds with ink. I stood in awe for a time, and then went back to reading the Bible. In a matter of moments, as the sun lifted in the heavens, the coloration of the clouds took on a bright golden appearance. Again I was in wonder. This time around I steadily watched the ethereal event as if unfolded before me. What I noticed first was that the clouds looked like waves against the blue sky. It was like an aerial ocean. Then I caught the slow and steady march of the clouds themselves. Onward, inching imperceptibly and quiet across the earth’s ceiling, they were in no hurry or rush. And I understood. Move at the pace of nature. Deliberate, relaxed, and in the direction where the wind is leading. 

What can we take away from this? That we as humans are full of worry and anxious thoughts and feelings. We are pressed with cares and burdens, pushed as it were by deadlines and timelines and expectations. Caught up in a flurry of texts and calls. Encumbered by emails, worn down by ads. We are full of FOMO (fears of missing out) and bent out of shape by our fears of not being enough, having enough, or doing enough. And it is harming our souls. So what I have learned recently I give to you. Take this day as it is, it is all you have. Do one thing, the next thing, and only that thing. Move at the pace of the clouds, of nature, of the wind of God’s presence. Follow where He leads. Take moments to appreciate the simple things God has gifted you. Stand in awe, wonder more. See the love of God above you in the skies. Be at rest in the Lord. And everything will take care of itself. 

This Sabbath our lead elder Dr. Steve Rinker will speak the Word of the Lord. I believe that God will reveal Himself in a powerful way as you gather to worship Jesus together this weekend. Be praying for the refreshing of God’s Spirit to abide with you and draw you into His holiness. Love you and blessings! 

Pastor Dean

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