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Newsletter 10/24/2024

Writer's picture: Clovis AVClovis AV

Later, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?” - Matthew 24:3

A few weeks ago we travelled to the Bay Area to memorialize one of my uncles and we ended up staying in the East Bay at the home of a family member. As we traveled through Oakland towards Richmond I saw a familiar sign that I used to pay quite a bit of attention to when I lived in the area. I don’t recall the exact language, but it essentially indicates that if you take the exit to the left you’ll be heading to San Francisco. And if that is what you want to do, then you’ll be happy. But if you fail to pay close attention and accidentally stray into the wrong lane, you’ll be very unhappy. You’ll get a nice view of the Bay Bridge…because you’ll be on it, you’ll pay a $7.00 toll, possibly move at a snail’s pace in bumper to bumper traffic, then after maybe 20 or so minutes you can get off in SF and try to turn around to go back on the bridge so you can go where you intended to go in the first place. I don’t recall if I’ve ever made that error. I’m almost sure though that someone has. That sign is kind of important. 

Then if you’re heading North on the 101 through San Francisco from the Peninsula and want to enjoy the City for the day, you’ll find another interesting sign. It warns you, well in advance thankfully, that you are approaching the Last San Francisco Exit. Meaning, if you continue on and forget to get off you’ll be getting a really nice view of the Bay Bridge…because you’ll be on it. You won’t pay a toll this time, but you may move like a snail. After 20 minutes or so you can get off in the East Bay and turn around to go back to San Francisco. Then you’ll pay your toll of $7.00 and get to where you originally wanted to go. I don’t think I’ve ever made that error. But I’m sure someone has. That sign is also kind of important. 

The Bible is a book full of signs. There are signs throughout the scope of the entire volume. But Matthew 24 hits different. That chapter alone possibly rivals other whole books of the Bible for its quantity of ominous signs. Only Revelation is as replete and intense. And Imagine that Jesus’ lecture on pre-advent wonders emerged from the curiosity of the disciples who probed Him for information about the fall of Jerusalem and the end of the world. Would there even be a Matthew 24 had they been too fearful to ask for clarity? Nonetheless, it is for our benefit that Jesus answered their queries with such comprehensive depth. Christ wants us to pay attention to the signs. Ignorance or lack of awareness leads to wrong turns and missed off-ramps. Whereas one can eventually recover from such a mistake while driving in the Bay Area, prophecy is more far more critical and there is less margin for error. And yet, so many will be deceived in this cultural moment because they are not paying close attention. It will cost many their salvation. Needless to say (again), signs are kind of important. 

Join us this weekend as we study through the first half of Matthew 24. We will focus on The Life and Teachings of Jesus: Signs. Many of you have heard sermons on this section of scripture before and it is likely that we will not cover the exact same often repeated ideas. We want to go higher and deeper. Pray that the Lord will illumine our hearts and minds and give us ears to hear the voice of the Spirit. Blessings! 

Pastor Dean 

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Clovis, CA 93612

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