“For as the lightning flashes in the east and shines to the west, so it will be when the Son of Man comes.” - Matthew 24:27
I love a good storm. The uglier the storm, the happier my soul. Since I was a child I have appreciated the beauty, wonder, and power displayed in acts of nature. Growing up in a climate that offered four distinct seasons, I often looked forward to the signs of fall and winter most. The fall provided an array of colorful decorations in the form of autumn leaves that waltzed from trees to the earth through the moist cool air. It also brought the rainfall. Winter was full of cold crisp winds carrying snow flurries that packed the ground with soft blankets of white snow. Occasionally school would be shut down because the snow fell in such heavy cascades. Then spring would emerge from hibernation and water the ground, soaking the landscape. This is all poetic and good. But I especially waited for the thunder and lightning storms. When the sounds of pealing thunder quaked the whole house and the sudden flashes of lighting lit up the skyline. Nature would be having a fit, and I could watch that for hours.
My mother taught us to respect the strength of the storm. We were told to never go near the windows when there was lightning. We could not exit the house. She would turn off all of the lights and the candles would glow all over. Then we’d curl up on the bed and she would carry out this massive Bible with pictures in them. We would read the scriptures and wait out the testy weather. All of these experiences have left me with a feeling of nostalgia. Storms were comforting reminders of home, warmth, family, and natural awe. Now that I’m grown, my mom can’t tell me that I cannot stand at the window and watch the light show. I can go outside in the middle of a rainstorm or snowstorm and rejoice in the wild ways of the weather. I can inside be or outside and find contentment. Is there danger sometimes? Sure. Am I worried? No. Because what I learned as a child sitting in the orange hued candlelit room on a comfy bed weighted down by an oversized Bible is this…that my God is above the storm. Therefore I am perfectly safe.
Well, a storm approaches. And this one is not necessarily involving weather patterns or signs of the seasons. Rather, it is a storm involving all of mankind and the signs are pointing to the changes in world preparing for the second arrival of Jesus Christ. It will be an ugly storm. The lives and souls of all humanity will be affected. War, hatred, pandemics, natural disasters, moral decline, and probably worst of all, spiritual and religious deceptions will rain down and flood the culture. The advent of Jesus will be parodied and impersonated. Is there danger? Yes. Should we be worried? No. The Bible offers tremendous comfort. When the lightning begins to flash, it is a reminder, a sign, that our God who rules above the storm is soon to come. Therefore we are perfectly safe.
Worship with us this Sabbath as we push into the reality of the signs of the end. In The Life and Teachings of Jesus: Antichrists, we will explore this particular sign in depth. While we may not feel ourselves susceptible to some false Christ or pseudo prophet, we certainly need to understand the nature of this omen and how it will impact society. Even now movements are underway to fake the arrival of our dear Savior and the atmosphere is ripe for it. May we be true to the Lord, who will come like lightning, trusting in His Word.
Pastor Dean