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Newsletter 11/20/2024

Writer's picture: Clovis AVClovis AV

Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.  - Matthew 26:13

I tend to be a loyal person. But I also have plenty of not so great characteristics. And the Lord is steadily shredding my ugly traits and making them into positives through the power of His Son. I think it comes very natural for me to stay devoted to people, brands, businesses, and ideas so long as I can trust them. I tend to just stick with what works for me. I am loyal to Clovis. Which is why I rarely go anywhere else on Sabbaths. I am loyal to shopping at Trader Joes. I love the vibe, employees, and the healthy and hip food options as well as the lower costs. I am loyal to the auto shops I typically go to. I am loyal to my precious wife and children. Most of all, I am loyal to my God. I cannot say I have always been His best representative, but I can say that I have pursed Him firmly as He has pursued me all these years. 

However, I do think loyalty has its limits. As mentioned before, I am devoted so long as I can trust the person or entity to which I am giving my time and money. If my confidence is broken, or if there is some legitimate reason as to why I can no longer put my faith in them, then it is time to move on. If I suspect that they do not have my best interests at heart, that is another red flag to me. If there is some moral or ethical concern that arises, this too may cause me to rethink my allegiance. Outright betrayal is an immediate dealbreaker. Thankfully I cannot remember the last time I felt that someone purposely betrayed me. 

Jesus though was not so fortunate. Is not so fortunate. Christ, the One who is ever loyal to the Father and to His followers, was betrayed, denied, and conspired against. And I’m sure that even now He has to daily endure the shock and pain of those who abandon Him and desert Him for some other. And it is not as if Jesus cannot be trusted or that He is a horrible friend and mistreats His people. The exact opposite is true. Christ seems to get the cold shoulder and is ghosted by humans in spite of being the most devoted Being in the universe. So strange. We can be so finicky. We aren’t loyal to spouses because we think we’ve found someone better. We aren’t loyal to brands because there’s always some competitor offering a better deal. We fail to maintain loyalty to God because…..well fill in the blank. 

We have this “what is in it for me?” type attitude and that selfish strain in the soul disrupts our capacity for trueness and fidelity.

And yet, there are those who will remain steadfast before the Lord. They are not seeking for the gratification or glorification of self, but are deeply committed. One such person is found in Matthew chapter 26. This entire section of scripture tells the tale of conspiracy, betrayal, denial, desertion, and failure. There is only one bright spot. And it is this unnamed woman who is completely devoted to Jesus while the other cast members are completely disloyal.  This Sabbath we will jump into a tragic but hopeful sermon entitled The Life and Teachings of Jesus: Loyalties. May Jesus give us His earnest spirit of devout allegiance. See you this weekend!

Pastor Dean

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