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Newsletter 11/28/2024

Writer's picture: Clovis AVClovis AV

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: - Ecclesiastes 3:1

I’m not sure what is more difficult…when things change or when they remain the same. There are certainly moments when we welcome a change, and points in time when we are very much ok with consistency or monotony. But that is not always the case. 

Sometimes when things change we are jolted out of our rhythm and forced to reckon with disruption to our regularity. What was normal is no longer. We brace ourselves for the unknown. We begin to count up all of the reasons why we dislike change or alterations to our cozy and comfortable seat in the sphere of reality. We rehearse our fears. Knowing we will be ushered into something different, we can’t help but complain. We are dragged as it were, kicking and screaming, into the unfamiliar. And we just wish that somehow everything would simply stay the same. But it won’t. 

Sometimes when things stay the same we are lulled into a sleepy complacency. We can feel like we are slowly dying from the ever-turning unalterable merry-go-round of life. A Groundhog Day of sorts. Our souls corrode from lack of inspirational variation. We long for some splash of color, some shift in the usual, a twist or turn of some kind to break up the repetitive tedium. But the landscape remains typical. The sun goes up, the sun goes down, and nothing improves. We just wish that somehow anything, anything at all, would simply change. But it won’t. 

And this is our dilemma. Occasionally when we want change, things remain the same. And at the times we want the same, things change. Woe is us. 

My church family…the season is changing. God is working out His own purposes for reasons only He understands. This past Sunday, November 24th, I was elected to serve as the Executive Secretary for the Central California Conference. And while I had intimidated that this might be taking place, it is now a reality. If I can be honest, it is both bitter and sweet. I did not ask for it, expect it, want it, nothing. But I know that God is leading. I love Clovis and I have zero desire to leave. I do like change, but not at this level. I will share in a few weeks the journey the Lord has had me on and how I know that this is His doing. I am sad in many ways. And at the same time, I am thankful that my family and I will still be a part of Clovis…it is our home base. We will still serve as we can and my mantra in my heart is, “Clovis will not fail!”. And that is true. Because besides that fact that we are friends…no…we are family, we trust that God Himself is the Head of the Church and He will see Clovis into the next phase of its growth and development. I am excited to see what God will do. I am thankful that I’ll be close enough to watch it take place. 

I also know that many of you will have a ton of questions and I will answer them all as I can. For now though, you should know the following information. I will be taking a six week Sabbatical in the middle of December and when that concludes I’ll begin serving at Conference. This means that my last Sabbath will likely be December 14th and then I might spend the rest of that next week finishing up and making sure that Clovis is well prepared and ready. This is overwhelming, for you and for us. But I trust God. 

It has been the joy of my life to serve you and to worship Jesus with you and to watch Clovis bloom into an amazing and loving church full of disciples. I’m in awe. However difficult this will be, I know that God is in control and the future for Clovis is bright. Do you believe that? Do you believe that you carry the spirit of Clovis and that your faith and courage will help guide the church? I hope you do. 

I will see you this Sabbath for the Prayer Conference. Let us all be praying for this time of transition and for the Lord to make Himself present and His will known to us all. You are very loved, always. 

Pastor Dean 

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Clovis, CA 93612

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