Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. - Matthew 28:20
God is on a mission. Well, He’s been on a mission. The very moment that our fore-parents failed in the garden was the very exact moment that the redemption plan went into full effect. If we want to be more accurate we could say that God’s project of salvation was already instituted before there was even a need for one. The Son of God was already primed and ready to prepare to make His entrance into the world. But the execution of that aspect of the plot was a long time coming. In the meantime, the Lord raised up biblical heroes and a singular nation to aid Him in fulfilling His critical strategy to rescue the planet from sin and to protect humanity from devils and death.
Then finally, the Lord God revealed Himself in the flesh. He was born as all of us are born. He lived as we all live. Then He died as we all will die. And triumphantly, He resurrected as we all will one day resurrect. He defeated the power of sin by the power of the cross. He wrangled the Devil into submission. He put death to death by His own death. He foreshadowed our rising from the grave by becoming a revenant Himself. Then He left. Just up and exited the stage, leaving His expectant disciples apparently all on their own to carry out the rest of the agenda. The assignment; to make the world aware of what Christ has done and offer them the only way out of sin. To promote Jesus as the champion of humanity and to expose evil. To make known the character of God in all of its beauty. To warn humanity of the judgment. To paint them a picture of the unending age to come.
And that mission has not changed. It remains the role and essential task of the church to bring the gospel to the world. That is its main job. This does not exclude socials, small groups, outreach, administrative duties, and everyday living. But it is predominant because the mission of Christ includes all of these things and funnels them into one main purpose; to give Jesus to the world. But the world is vast. While digital technology has given us the appearance that it’s a small world after all, it really isn’t. And though tech does spread information faster than a single group could do using more analog methods, it is not the only means available. And, usually when we think of the gospel being preached or scattered to the nations we think only of the larger body of believers. But have you ever thought that this broader community includes you? Just a single person that has been invited to make Jesus’ mission your ambition? You probably have, and then the thought was quickly dismissed because of the fear such an imagining engenders. I’d like to encourage you. If you are a follower of Jesus, then being a part of the dissemination of the gospel is not really optional. You are either on mission with God, or you are not with God at all. Because He is definitely on mission. And to walk with Him is to do the same. And then Jesus promises that He will always and at all times be there with you…even until the final hours of the history of the very world Jesus is desperate to save. So I want you to pray and ask God, “what do you want from me?” “How can I be on mission for you?” “Give me a work to do”. And when He does…go.
This is my final Sabbath with you as your pastor. I know, that does not even seem real. It’s been just over 7 years. It has been my joy to serve you. I have nothing but appreciation for my time at Clovis. And like Jesus, I am leaving. With a heavy heart, with a new assignment, and with no regrets. But despite my departure, the mission continues. The gospel brought Rome to its knees after Jesus ascended. Think about that. The church grew more after Jesus’ exit. So this concluding message, The Life and Teachings of Jesus: Missions, will keep us as a church focused on what our role is in these last days. I’ll see you this weekend.
Pastor Dean