They asked Jesus, “Do you hear what these children are saying?”Jesus told them, "Yes! Haven't you ever read, 'From the mouths of infants and nursing babies you have created praise’?" Matthew 21:16
Last weekend we were challenged by the Word of God to learn from Jesus how to use authority responsibly. We discovered that Jesus Himself carried the authority of a King, a Creator, and a Redeemer. In all of His actions and interactions, Christ never once misused or abused His position of influence. He operated in humility and compassion. He condescended to the weak and deprived, but was not condescending. He placed the needs of those around Him before His own. Jesus used power, and in every case where He exercised divine authority He could be seen doing so for the benefit and blessing of another as opposed to Himself. Jesus gives humanity the greatest example of what genuine benevolent authority looks like.
In that same sermon I made the observation that when the children were singing about Jesus in the temple that they were merely echoing the song of the crowd which they had heard one day earlier (vs 9). It is fascinating how quickly children pick things up. Babies mirror the movements and facial expressions of their parents. Young children copy the behaviors of their siblings and caretakers. They make sense of their world by mimicking what they see others do, and saying what they hear others say. My children do the same thing. If I’m practicing a song for worship or singing a song that I wrote, they will inevitably learn the song and start singing it. It goes deeper. I remember when my girls were much younger and I began to notice that when they would get upset with one another, one of them would act towards her sister the same way they observed me acting when I would be upset. I was startled and immediately went to work on praying into changing my responses towards them. They were mirroring me and how I operated in authority. And it wasn’t good. Christ gave me grace and victory. I am always trying to picture what my kids see in me and how it will impact them years from now. That sobers me. It causes me to be doubly vigilant to ensure that they are drawn to the goodness of God in me, and that I seek to get freedom from my negative behaviors that will lead them in the wrong direction and implant in their minds unholy ways of using power.
But I fear for the younger generation in general. Because in our culture, there is a growing resentment and rebellion towards authority. And oftentimes for good reason. Look at the political picture. Look at the chaos of some homes. Observe how many adults in power are guilty of abuse, mistreatment, unethical and immoral practices. How many celebrated famous people are charged with horrible acts against humanity. This is the reality of authority as reflected in the world they are growing up in. Even churches and schools are guilty of this. And what are young people to think when the authority figures in their lives behave this way? I just had a conversation with a teen this week about a situation at school were she is being bullied but the school authorities don’t seem to have enough concern or skill to mediate and deal with the issue. One of them blamed her instead. What will happen when this young person becomes an adult and they are given authority and power? Will they not possibly mimic the exact same thing? Who knows. But needless to say, we who are in positions of influence are answerable to God for how we use the privilege of sharing in God’s own authority. Young eyes watch, young ears listen, young minds reason. May the “songs” we sing and the examples we give be worthy of Jesus, and worth echoing.
We will be blessed this weekend because our children will be leading out in the worship service. Every 13th Sabbath will be Children’s Sabbath. Pastor Zeke Nichols will deliver the word of God to us. And while our young people will be featured, let us remember that the theme of every Sabbath is Jesus Christ. He is our object of worship and adoration. Let us pray that He is exalted and glorified through our children as we all worship together.
Pastor Dean