I have heard all about you, LORD. I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did in years gone by. And in your anger, remember your mercy. Habakkuk 3:2
In case you haven’t noticed, the world is a dumpster fire. No it’s not all bad, and the narrative that things are intensely and maybe irreversibly horrible is somewhat played out. The problem is that life is not a TV show. If it were, the scriptwriters could revise things and get the episodes going in a more optimistic and positive direction. Or, this season’s series would conclude with uncertainty and cliffhangers that will be resolved in the next season. Ultimately the writers and directors of society would end the show on a good note and all would be well. But the mess we are in is not even reality TV, it’s just reality. And the human writers of the whole drama are bad, really bad.
Let me continue to paint with dark colors and broad strokes if you will. What is even more distressing to me personally is that the church does not seem to be faring any better than the world. We have God on our side…and I hope we are on His side too. But the landscape is bleak-ish. Just this week I read an article from Christianity Today regarding 8 pastors in Dallas, TX megachurches that were fired or resigned from ministry due to moral failures. That’s 8 prominent pastors from different churches pastoring a staggering 50,000 people, and all in just ONE city. Then there is the ongoing political divisiveness that is creating fault lines throughout the Protestant church. There was a recent report that came out suggesting that Americans and Christians are increasingly embracing unbiblical perspectives. Then, as if the global Christian picture wasn’t bad enough, we have the issues and fissures within our own denomination. Here I’ll be more tact and intentionally obscure. But institutionally there are fewer people going into ministry, fewer teachers to put into our schools, ethical concerns about leadership, less people in the pews, and high profile internet battles over mere mortal men and their personal public opinions. Not good.
But honestly, this is not anything new. At what point in earth’s history has everything been amazing (besides the Garden prior to the Fall)? At what point in the church’s history has everything been amazing and perfect? Never. And therefore, while our generation bemoans the current dreadful condition of all things, every generation could have done (and probably did) the same thing. Regardless of the reality of our world, God has not abandoned the planet. The same God who has watched over the world in times past watches over it today. The same God who sent His precious Son into the world to save it from its sin and misery is the same God that is sending out His Holy Spirit to convict and transform human hearts. And although things on earth and in our own lives may seem hopeless, that is not the case. There is hope, much hope, and that hope is here, right now.
This weekend we as a church are embarking on a journey and embracing a challenge. Saturday night will mark the first time we have launched a public evangelistic series in over 5 years. HopeNOW, is our time to share the gospel of Jesus with the city of Clovis. Pastor Eddy Perez will prime us on Sabbath morning and the event will officially begin on Saturday evening. You are encouraged to invite family and friends to this one week seminar. We aim to uplift Christ and to give hope to the hopeless and light to those in darkness. Excited to engage in this work together as a church family!
Pastor Dean